Call to Artists
It is also ACAI’s mission to provide gallery space for local artists to show their work. We are looking for artists, new or established, who can use any medium to show their work. All Artwork needs to be original and fit the theme of the chosen show, and not have been in the ACAI Gallery within the past 4 years.
“Potpourri” is the current show which runs through February 22. We have 21 artists and 65 works on display. The show is very dynamic.
“There is No Place Like Home” showing from March 5th through April 19th.
What makes you think of home? Is it a place, family, the food, gatherings of friends and family, the feelings of safety, the gardens, the architecture, where you create art or something I haven’t listed?
Everyone’s concept of home is different. To some, the word means someplace they don’t want to go, to others where they want to be the most. And that feeling can change over time as life experiences impact feelings.
Your special feeling of home may not be in a house. It might be in your studio, walking on the beach, camping, reading in the library, taking a college class, or other locations. Can you express Home through your art?
I am looking for what you can express as home, positive or negative through art. Home is an emotion as much as a place. Any medium is acceptable.
Complete the submission below by February 22nd
Deliver art after 3 pm February 22nd and by February 26th by appointment
The show opens on March 5th
Artist reception March 8th, 6 pm to 8 pm. The gallery is open from 11 am to 8 pm.
The show closes on April 19th
Art pick up after 3 pm April 19th and by April 23rd by appointment